Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas time is here!!!!

Oh thank you Charlie Brown for that Christmas song!

Okay so every year I would beg my parents (mostly my Mom) to put up the Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving! Sometimes we would get it done but usually not. My Dad would have to go up to the attic, with the help of my brother, and pull down all of the Christmas stuff. Needless to say it's not my Dad's favorite thing to do (it's pretty hot up there) and on top of it all we have TONS of Christmas decor!!!

Well this being the first Christmas in my own home I have my tree up two days after Thanksgiving, thank you very much! I got it on sale at the worlds best store, Target, for ...$25 and it came with the lights! Yes that's right you want to go bargain shopping, I'm your gal!

Okay so it's not the most perfect or desirable tree but it's my tree and it does it's job! It's a 6 foot "Norfolk Pine". Who knows where Norfolk is? Anyhoo, I was laughing because my hubbs is taller than our tree at 6 ft 4 in! =) My mom said, "Well at least you have someone to put the star on the tree"! So right Mom!

It's a GREAT first tree and I can't wait to decorate it and put presents under it!!! Thanks Target!!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Call of Duty...thorn in my side!

So I came home today to a little surprise! I walk up the stairs and was greeting by two grown men, two t.v.'s (in my living room) on my couch playing Call of Duty. My husband and his best friend (my cousin) love Call of Duty. For those of you who don't know it's basically a war game where you are the shooter trying to stay alive. They play online, competing against people all over the world. These two are obsessed. Even going as far as making each other do push-ups for however many times they died in a session!!!

I could not believe how far they took it today. Taking the tele out of our bedroom putting it on our coffee table so they could both play at the same time in the same room! These two are so funny I just couldn't resist sharing this with you!

The t.v. from my bedroom on my coffee table so they can both play!

Look at my husband! (He is closest to us) His eyes are about to pop out of his head!

Happy Tuesday! Hope yours has been as fun as mine!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

So Thankful...

So I was having a little chat with my mother-in-law and her mom about age. I was telling them how upset I was that I am going to be 25 on my next birthday and I feel like I'm getting old! I don't know what it is with me all of a sudden being concerned with my age. I have never been that way and while we were talking about it, I somehow came to the realization that I am actually scared of turning 26! It was the age Jasmine (my cousin who passed from Lupus) died and that just really freaks me out! She died at such a young age and the closer I get to 26 the more scared I get. I just feel like I take life for granted and that I should be living each day to the fullest! I get into the groove of things and sometimes forget how precious life really is. Is that weird? (I don't know) My self marination on that thought was burst when she said, "there is nothing for you to be afraid of". You are so fortunate, and you have so much to be thankful for". How appropriate seeing that Thanksgiving is just 3 days away!

I have a new home, a new husband, a job, an unbelievable family who supports me in all that I do and true friends that I can talk to who love me. Sometimes I feel like such a spoiled brat. So many people out there are far less fortunate than I am.

Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. The sights, the smells, that warm Christmas feeling and of course bundling up! I always want to just get through Thanksgiving so we can go full steam ahead to Christmas! This year will be a little different. (Though I am already "Kosting" on 103.5 fm cause Christmas music is already playing!) I will really take my time this year and thank my God, my creator, for all that he has given me. Even as I type this guess what!?!? I have that warm Christmas feeling... but it's too early for Christmas so it's that warm Thanksgiving feeling that I can't wait to have... year after year. I hope you find what you are truly thankful for and share it with your family on Thanksgiving, that's what I'll be doing...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon


So of course me and my girlfriends went to the midnight showing of New Moon! It was awesome! I can't say I'm a huge fan of the guy that plays "Edward" (Rob Pattinson) but the girls LOVE HIM! I was sitting next to these two young ladies under the age of 18 (I over-heard them) and they could not stop oooing and aaahhhing over this guy! Little whispers and squeaks every time he popped up on the big screen! It was so funny and a little annoying... But it was nothing compared to the reaction when the newly beefed up Taylor Lautner aka Jacob pulled his shirt off! Oh you little Twilight girls!

We sat in the freezing cold for about 4-5 hours, enjoying sweet treats like my yummy tall eggnog latte (thank you Starbucks)! It was a ton of fun and I can't say I liked the ending but it did it's job of leaving me wanting more! Can't wait for the next movie to release next summer! I usually go to most midnight movie releases with one of my best friends but we live farther away from each other now... =( Hope to see Eclipse with ya Kris!

Have a fab weekend!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Here is a pic of me and my cousin Jasmine...RIP Jazzy...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The first of many to come...

So this is my very FIRST blog! So exciting!!! I have always loved to write and also consider myself an avid reader. I am sitting right next to my husband, (both of us on our laptops) waiting for my parents to come over to eat dinner. I am in such an amazing point in my life right now. I purchased a home in February, got married in July and have a job despite this horrific economy. Only one sibling, no pets, but I hope to have one soon! I would love to have a little puppy! I would prefer...maybe a maltipoo and my husband is in love with jack russell terrier's (they are a bit too "barky" for me). He is scared that a dog will scratch up our beautiful wood floors, (he's probably right) =)

The woman I have become today is a direct reflection of my parents, my Christian upbringing, of course my friends and the death of my cousin Jasmine. She died two years ago suddenly from what the hospital said was Lupus. She was one of my best friends. She had such a vivacious personality and her sudden death at age 26 (I know right) really lit a spark under my butt to treat everyday as if it's my last. I do not have my degree but hope to have it one day. I am a licensed Esthetician (shout out to Paul Mitchell Costa Mesa) and work full time for a very well known financial institution in Orange County. P.S. my house is in Corona and driving to OC in the mornings on the 91 is not fun! Today it Veterans Day and both my Dad and my Husband's father served our country in the armed forces. My Dad was in the Marines and I just asked my husband what branch of the military his Dad served in and he responded with, "I don't know". Gotta love him!

I know that was a lot but I have to get the intro out of the way so we can get into the good stuff! Tata for now!